Kev F Sutherland gives year 7 a Comic Art Masterclass

Kev F Sutherland, a renowned comic book artist who has worked for publications including the Beano, Dr Who Adventures and Marvel, visited the JLV to unleash the creative writing skills of some of our y7 students.

Comic book artist Kev F Sutherland,, draws characters on a flip chart

We started by exploring some of the comics Kev has created, then learnt how to draw characters like Bart Simpson and the Hulk using just letters and circles! As part of the masterclass, each student had to invent their own comic book character and learn the basics of comic book design and layout. Students then had the opportunity to work directly with Kev on their individual story strips. In just 2 hours, the students produced a comic containing each of their individual stories! Kev also drew a caricature of each student to take home.

Student reads their finished comic book

Meeting the famous artist behind some of their favourite comics proved very inspirational and a fun way to find out about different kinds of art and reading. Students discovered drawing skills they never knew they had, with one claiming it was “the best afternoon of his life.”

We’re very grateful to Hexham Book Festival for this exciting opportunity and hope to welcome Kev back again next year.

Students show their finished comics