Current Governors @ CLV


Name Appointment
Dr Carol Davenport (Chair of Trustees) 08/06/2023 07/06/2027 Member/Trustee
Mr Ian Hall (Vice Chair of Trustees) 30/09/2023 29/09/2027 Member/Trustee 
Mr Clive Johnson  06/12/2021 05/12/2025 Member 
Mr Nick Hurn 06/12/2021 05/12/2025 Member 
Mrs Leah Heatley 31/12/2023 30/12/2027 Member


Name Appointment
Dr Carol Davenport 08/06/2023 07/06/2027 Trustee/Director
Mr Ian Hall 30/09/2023 29/09/2027 Trustee/Director 
Mr Jeff McCartney  15/10/2020 14/10/2024 Trustee/Director 
Mr Ivan Wintringham 19/01/2023 18/01/2027 Trustee/Director
Mr Peter Clayton 31/12/2021 30/12/2025 Trustee/Director
Mrs Phyl Gordon 29/08/2021 28/08/2025 Trustee/Director
Ms Tracy Buck 03/06/2021 02/06/2025 Trustee/Director
Mrs Kirsty Swann  06/12/2021 05/12/2025 Trustee/Parent Gov
Mrs K Irving  01/09/2021 Coheadteacher
Mr J Bird 01/09/2021 Coheadteacher
Members were appointed in 2011 when Cramlington Learning Village converted to Academy Status. All Members/Governors are formally appointed by the full Governing Body.
Mrs W Heslop Executive Leader

*Wendy Heslop is Executive Leader at Cramlington Learning Village, developing our strategic objectives and building partnerships between schools. Wendy was Headteacher at Cramlington Learning Village for 10 years. She has extensive experience of school improvement, school to school support and change management.  She is passionate about giving every child the best possible school experience and sees education as transformational.


Up to 9 Appointed Governors
Up to 3 Co-opted Governors
Up to 3 Staff Governors (including the 2 Coheadteachers)
Up to 7 Parent Governors

Articles of Association (Ref: Rules Avoiding influenced company status – point 137)

No person who is a Local Authority Associated Person may be appointed as a Governor if, once the appointment had taken effect, the number of Governors who are Local Authority Associated Persons would represent 20% or more of the total number of Governors. 

Senior Leadership Team

Jonathan Bird Coheadteacher
Kim Irving Coheadteacher
Ken Brechin Deputy Headteacher
Damian Clark Deputy Headteacher
David Bell Deputy Headteacher
Louisa Doyle – Director Of Finance & Operations

Governors who have resigned in the last twelve months

Donna Gibson, resigned wef 10/08/2023

Higher Paid staff

Number of employees whose benefits exceed £100k
£110,001 – £120,000 2

Conflicts of Interest

View the conflicts of interest disclosure form



View the committee structure and members

Terms of Reference

View the Finance & Resources Committee Terms of Reference

View the Standards & Outcomes Committee Terms of Reference

Governor Attendance

View the attendance records