Accelerated Reader

How does the Accelerated Reader programme help to boost achievement?

All students in y7 and y8, as well as those needing extra support in y9, use the Accelerated Reader programme to develop their reading skills. This nationally proven programme encourages students to choose and read books at an appropriately challenging level and to take quizzes online to check their understanding and to develop their vocabulary. The feedback from each quiz is used to motivate students to make progress, to help students set personalised reading targets and to achieve their full literacy potential.

Monitoring Reading Progress

STAR reading assessments complement the Accelerated Reader programme. Students enrolled into Accelerated Reader take a STAR test in September to provide a benchmark reading level. The computer-adaptive STAR test is repeated in December, March and July to give a reliable measure of student reading progress. The STAR data shows clearly if students are on track to meet or exceed expected age-related standards. It also highlights students who are underperforming or who are in need of intervention and provides a pathway of next teaching steps based on core literacy skills. This progression is personalised to each student so every child can make maximum progress.

In addition, the termly tracker page in the reading log allows students to track their progress towards individualised reading targets, to reflect on their own reading and to plan their next steps with their teacher.


A growing number of our feeder primary schools are now using Accelerated Reader and STAR Reading. Where this is the case we will share data to ensure that students build on their reading achievement in y6 to make maximum progress in y7 and beyond.

Home Reading

Parents are also encouraged to see the progress their child is making with Accelerated Reader using the Home Connect feature, more information ca nbe found in the links below: