
Cramlington Learning Village believes that achieving a high level of attendance is directly linked to the achievement, life chances and employment prospects of our young people. Parents, staff and students all have a responsibility to ensure students maintain excellent attendance standards and therefore succeed in achieving their goals.

When your child attends school on a regular basis, they take an important step towards reaching their full potential and have the greatest opportunity to learn and develop. Time spent at school also enhances their social skills and ability to make friends, boosting their confidence and self esteem.

A student’s chances of a successful future can be affected by not attending school regularly. The link between persistent absence and poor educational attainment is well known. Those who do not attend regularly struggle to keep up with their school work.

View our Attendance poster

View should I keep my child off school information from UKHSA


Over recent years, we have become concerned by the amount of school time that some students miss as a result of holidays and the impact this absence has on their learning. In line with guidance from the Local Authority we will not authorise any holidays in term time. If you feel there are extenuating circumstances for your request, these can be discussed and assessed on a case by case basis by the Attendance Team (contact details below). In these circumstances we would request that you submit a Leave of Absence request form 4 weeks in advance of commencement.

It is important to note, should the request not be granted this may result in a referral to the Education Welfare Officer, which could lead to legal action. If you feel there are extenuating circumstances requiring a leave of absence these should be discussed with our Attendance team.


Helping your child establish good habits from an early age can help them through their school career and into adult and working life. Good punctuality is vital and we expect all of our students to be on time for the start of every school day and every lesson.

Arriving late for school can severely affect achievement. Five minutes late each day = three days lost over the year. This poster illustrates the link.

View our Punctuality poster

We expect all students to be on site from 8.35am each morning. We have sanctions in place for students who arrive late and will work hard with students and their families to overcome poor punctuality.

Working together

We believe that maintaining a high level of attendance and punctuality at CLV is vitally important and we will work closely with families to accomplish our attendance targets of 96% and above. Good attendance is celebrated and awards are given each term for those students with 100% attendance.

To continue our close links with home we would ask that if your child cannot come into school for any reason, you telephone to let us know. If we have not been informed we will contact parents on the first day of absence. If contact still cannot be made, an email will be sent followed by a possible home visit as part of our safeguarding procedures.

If your child is having problems attending school, please contact their Learning Guide or Learning Manager. You can also contact a member of the Attendance Team on 01670 712311 or email and We welcome any communication so we can work together to overcome problems.