Over the course of two weeks in July and August, ALL Year 7 pupils joining the school in 2021 were invited to participate in Summer School held at the Junior Learning Village.
The theme for Summer School was the ‘A-Z of Space’. Throughout the week pupils could:
- Get to know some of our learning spaces
- Take part in activities in outdoor space
- Learn about outer space
- Get to know the staff and other pupils before September.
- Join in with some sports, activities, arts, dance.
Pupils could attend for up to 5 days across two possible weeks.
Throughout each day pupils had a range of activities with Maths, English, French and Science lessons each day as well as Drama, Music and other sporting activities. All academic lessons were staffed by Junior Learning Village teachers. Each afternoon pupils participated in enrichment activities provided by external facilitators – dance, cycling, Newcastle United Foundation as well as other local providers.
Catch up summer school provision was also used for targeted pupils in the SLV in order to provide additional support in the academic core. Students in Year 9 and 10 were invited to participate in catch up lessons in Maths, English and Science across two weeks.
Below are some examples of how the curriculum was planned for literacy outcomes:
Summer School had a significant impact in allowing Year 7 students to familiarise themselves with their new setting and all pupils who attended reported that this made a real difference to their confidence in joining in September. Throughout the week’s pupils were recognised and rewarded for their contributions and efforts in the activities in line with our school intent of creating respectful learners, expert readers, knowledge explorers and responsible citizens.
Breakdown of how DfE funding was utilised
£Total Cost | £86,993 |
Staffing | £62,960 |
Resources | £6,489 |
Catering | £2,518 |
Support | £15,026 |